Sunday, November 21, 2021

Settlement Offered

 I am at a crossroads. After suing my former company for trying to force me to take their COVID test, they have offered me a settlement of about 2 months of pay. (I was out of work for 1 month.) The money is not the issue here. The problem is that they are trying to buy my silence. I explained to their lawyer that while he is fighting for his several hundred dollars an hour pay, I am fighting for my survival and the survival of my brothers and sisters in Christ (as well as anyone with the common sense not to take the jab (or the PCR test)).


Here is my dilemma. It costs money to file a lawsuit. My next big expense will be paying a court reporter for the pretrial questioning of my opponent. $500 is a conservative estimate. With more money I will be continuing my legal education. Sound expensive? Some of the other legal funds listed on GiveSendGo list financial needs in excess of $100,000. I am sure that this kind of money is by and large going to fund some lawyer group. All I am asking for is $4000. (My needs for this year.)


If this lawsuit was just about me, I would take the settlement money and run. I recognize that not everyone has the skills I do. All of my co-workers folded under the weight of the company's intimidation tactics. This is an Esther story in my opinion. Which is why I should not have to fight this fight alone. Please take a look at my lawsuit and if you agree with me that my arguments have merit, consider donating at the GiveSendGo link.

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