Sunday, November 21, 2021

Settlement Offered

 I am at a crossroads. After suing my former company for trying to force me to take their COVID test, they have offered me a settlement of about 2 months of pay. (I was out of work for 1 month.) The money is not the issue here. The problem is that they are trying to buy my silence. I explained to their lawyer that while he is fighting for his several hundred dollars an hour pay, I am fighting for my survival and the survival of my brothers and sisters in Christ (as well as anyone with the common sense not to take the jab (or the PCR test)).


Here is my dilemma. It costs money to file a lawsuit. My next big expense will be paying a court reporter for the pretrial questioning of my opponent. $500 is a conservative estimate. With more money I will be continuing my legal education. Sound expensive? Some of the other legal funds listed on GiveSendGo list financial needs in excess of $100,000. I am sure that this kind of money is by and large going to fund some lawyer group. All I am asking for is $4000. (My needs for this year.)


If this lawsuit was just about me, I would take the settlement money and run. I recognize that not everyone has the skills I do. All of my co-workers folded under the weight of the company's intimidation tactics. This is an Esther story in my opinion. Which is why I should not have to fight this fight alone. Please take a look at my lawsuit and if you agree with me that my arguments have merit, consider donating at the GiveSendGo link.

Lawrence will be on BackTalk Live

Lawrence will be appearing on the BackTalk Live show that will air on December 2, 2021 at 7:30.  Here is a link with more information about the show.



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lawrence on the Lori Duke Show

 Lawrence appeared on the Lori Duke show on November 16, 2021 where he provided an overview of his case. The Lori Duke show brings attention to local issues and airs on FYNtv Monday through Friday at 7:00am.  They archive their shows on rumble.

The archived show can be viewed below. 



Monday, November 15, 2021

EEOC Reasonable Accommodation for Religious Exemption

 Litigant Lawrence has tried to file a workplace discrimination case with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), however every time he attempts to set up an appointment with them their site states there are no available appointments.  The EEOC requires an appointment to speak with them to review the issue prior to filing a case with them.


According to the John Birch Society, employers are required to provide a reasonable accommodation for sincerely held religious beliefs for vaccinations and for testing.  The picture below was taken from their video that is also shown below.




Peggy Hall talks about how to get a Reasonable Accommodation in this video. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Lawrence will speak at the Patriot Meeting


Lawrence will be speaking at the Patriot Network meeting on December 4, 2021. The meeting starts at noon at the Logan’s Roadhouse on Beacon drive in Greenville, South Carolina.  Come ready to eat lunch with us in the back room and then meeting will starts shortly.



Lawrence will speak at the Republican Meeting

 Lawrence will be speaking at the Stephens County Georgia Republican meeting on November 18, 2021. The meeting starts at 6:30pm at Larry’s Place on 876 Currahee Street in Toccoa.



Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Litigant Lawrence Lawsuit





After a weekend of fasting and asking God where  He wants me in these current events (feeling solidarity toward my Christian brothers and sisters), my co-worker came down with COVID-19 on Monday, October 18, 2021.  By Wednesday my company issued an edict that all employees must test negative for Covid-19 before we could return to work.  After expressing and submitting my Religious Exceptions against testing and vaccines to the Human Resources Director, I was placed on indefinite unpaid leave.   Their company handbook states the following:


All employees may request an accommodation when their religious beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request but reserves the right to offer its own accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on operations — including other employees — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief”  [Employee Handbook, page 83, emphasis added]”


It appears they do not follow their company policy.


Testing and vaccines go against my core Christian beliefs.  I believe that God created our bodies well and gave us ‘natural immunity’ to fight this virus.  My religious beliefs are documented in my lawsuit “Complaint of Discrimination in the Workplace” which can be viewed by clicking on the link in the right column above.  Below are two verses that were used in the lawsuit.


“But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.”  ESV Mat 9:12  

“Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” WEBA 1Co 6:19-20


Many of us feel that there is something very wrong with our world.  It feels like we are well into the tribulation prophesied in scripture.  Take the headline below for example:


"A new COVID Vaccine could kill 50 Million in the U.S." declares Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Source:

Many of us are filling out religious exemption forms at our workplaces.  In my opinion Christians might as well be painting a series of concentric circles on their chests.  It is obvious to me that sinister forces occupy the highest levels of government and industry.  We are making ourselves easy targets.


I refuse to be pigeonholed.  I do not accept that there are only two escape routes out of this predicament.  This is why my lawsuit is needed.  This lawsuit puts a variety of legal arguments front and center before the Court.  It forces the Courts to abide by the rule of law.  Common Law is supposed to apply to everyone consistently.  If our Courts do not rule consistently  in cases with similar fact patterns, we will expose their bias.


This court case is not just about some injustice that I have personally experienced.  It is about all of us who are concerned about justice and desire to follow the Living God.  As Ben Franklin said long ago, "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately".  I believe in the principle, Where We Go One We Go All.  As Daniel wrote long ago,


“the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” ESV Dan 11:32


At this time I am accepting donation for this case – money and pray donations are both needed.  I have zero income right now and my wife only has a part time job.  Since I am not hiring an attorney, my costs will be minimum; however I will have costs associated with this case.  I plan to take this case to the next step and will be making further announcements soon.


Donations accepted at


About Me


Decades ago, after watching my country fall more and more into despotism, I found my way into a patriotic organization that specialized in law.  In some ways, we were visionaries.  We predicted that a time would come when our government would become tyrannical.  We could see the ever increasing encroachments.  He who controls the paycheck, controls the person.

Our fearless leader taught us (gasp) the Constitution.  He taught us how to crack open a law book and understand what a case syllabus meant by “Held.”  We learned that it is called Common Law because it is (or at least supposed to be) a law common to both the prince and the pauper.

He went on to explain to us that a "Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." (Quote is a summary  of our founding fathers’ principles.)  He also taught us that you should never take a knife to a gun fight.  That is why he taught us law.  With Law, he argued, you can use their own weapons against them.

Let me brag a bit, “I was tea party before mainstream media even recognized there was a modern-day tea party.”

Many years have passed and I continued to study law as a hobby with a focus on Constitutional law.  The internet has given a plethora of opportunities to learn law.  I love to listen to daily news briefs from a lawyer’s perspective by Robert Gruler.  I enjoy hearing answers to my specific questions from Podcasters Robert Barnes and Viva Frei.  I have learned to cross examine from Charlie Rose.  I picked up on the major courtroom objections from Jarrett Stone.  I came to understand the definition of evidence from Richard Cornforth.  And I have been inspired to promote justice by the testimony of Gerry Spence.  And so many more that I can list have contributed to my education.

I have learned to praise God for my factory job, because when my work gets monotonous I don on a pair of headphones and listen to law.

Another thing I have learned over the years is that lawyers are not infallible; they make mistakes too.  Law is so voluminous that it is impossible to know everything.  This is especially true in Constitutional law simply because most law schools gloss over this vital document.

Today I teach a monthly lecture series that I have entitled “The Pros and Perils of Pro Se.”  I started by telling my past successes and failures in a courtroom.  We talk about when it is wise to represent yourself and when it is wise to hire a lawyer.  But if they do hire a lawyer, they need to know the stuff I can teach them so that they can hire the right lawyer.  To borrow a phrase from Robert Gruler, we believe in “watching the watchers.”

Decades ago, the few visionaries and myself predicted a time when lawyers would be so intertwined with government that very few lawyers would be willing and able to defend your rights.  I believe that this time is today.

If you were to review the many pleas for money on GiveSendGo under the legal category, you will see many people who are suffering.  Many are asking for donations in the order of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  There is little doubt that these people have retained the best lawyers.  However, is this the best bang for your buck?  I argue that Pro Se’s will have to lead the battle where lawyers fear to tread.  We have no license to lose.  And I argue that we can do it for nickels on the dollar.